This one-page summary provides additional information about how to register.
You can add and drop classes online in your student center if the class shows open (green circle) up through the end of the first week of school.
Late ADD - After the first week of school, you may still add a class if you have instructor permission up until the end of the second week of school.
Late DROP - After the first week of school, you may still drop a class with permission of your academic advisor but please know there will be a $10 drop fee per class. Please check the Academic Calendar for the last day to drop courses.
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When can I register for classes?
The Registrars Office assigns all students an enrollment appointment based on the number of credits they have completed. This appointment is the date students can begin adding classes to any given semester/term.
Please visit the enrollment appointment section on your student center found on the website. New freshmen must submit their Intent to Enroll form and submit all health records before they are provided an enrollment appointment.
Look in the right menu bar for the section labeled "Enrollment Appointment."
Click on "Details."
Choose the semester you want to register for.
Listed is the date and time your registration will be available.
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Do I have to clear all holds/restrictions before I can register?
Only holds that pertain to registration will affect your enrollment. Please visit the holds section on your student center found on the website.
Look in the upper right corner and you will see a section labeled "Holds". This is where you can find out if your holds/restrictions are preventing your registration and who to contact to resolve the hold.
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What is the waitlist and how does it work?
During the pre-registration period (before classes begin), if a class is full you can add yourself to the waitlist (watch the "Guide to the Waitlist" video) which is a list of student waiting to add the class. If an enrolled student drops the course from their schedule, you will be moved into the class based on your number on the list. Waitlists are eliminated the day before classes begin so if you have not been placed in the class at this point, you must find another section/course to take. If you still want to attempt to take the class, you must get the teacher's approval on an Add form no later than the Add deadline and bring it to your academic advisor for enrollment. You do not need a teacher's signature to add a class that is open. You will not be moved from the waitlist into the requested class/section for the following reasons:
You are already registered for another section of that class.
You have a hold on your account.
This class has a time conflict with another class on your schedule.
You are not registered for any other classes.
You have not met the prerequisites for this class.
This class will give you an overload for the semester (more than 18 credits in the fall or winter, or more than 12 credits in the spring).
This class requires the instructor's permission or other requirements.
The last thing that is important to know about the waitlist is that it disappears the Friday before school begins. After this date, the waitlist is deleted and you must use normal add/drop processes from this point forward.
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Where or how do I access my courses?
CANVAS is an online learning and teaching management system that Universities use that allows professors to post assignments, information, grades, and communicate.
At BYU-Hawaii students can access CANVAS the following way:
3. On the myBYUH Dashboard, CANVAS should be one listed under widgets (which can also help you access CANVAS directly).
4. When you are in CANVAS, the left-hand side is where you can click on "Courses". You can then access the course announcements, assignments, grades, and the syllabus all of which are vital to your success in the class.
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How do I know what books I need for my classes?
Check out this video which walks you through the steps of how to find out your book list!
The BYUH Store also has a link to the book list as well as provides you with help to order your books!
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What if a class is not open but I still want to add it?
You have the following four options:
1. Add yourself to the waitlist but know that this disappears the Friday before the semester starts.
2. Email the instructor to ask permission to add. If he/she grants it, then forward the email to your academic advisor.
3. Keep watching online to see if a seat opens up and add it online before 5 pm of the first Friday of the semester.
4. Plan for and register for an alternate class.
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How can I find the email for an instructor?
Accessing the University Employee Directory with your myBYUH credentials is the quickest way to find contact information for all faculty and staff.
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I tried to register but it says I do not have the prerequisites. However, I took the prerequisite at another institution. What should I do?
Please see your academic advisor. They can verify that the prerequisite has been completed and will assist you with registering for the class.
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I received the error message "Permission Number Needed" or how do I get a permission number?
If you received this message, it means you need either the program's or professor's consent to take the course. Please contact your academic advisor for who to contact.
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Are classes automatically dropped if I do not pay tuition?
Students have until the end of the semester to pay off their tuition. If a student is pre-registered for the following semester and fails to pay off their tuition for the previous semester by the start of the next semester, then their classes for the next semester will be dropped by Financial Services and they will be automatically discontinued from the university.
It is the student's responsibility to drop a class, withdraw from a class after the drop period is finished, or discontinue from the University to avoid receiving an F grade on his/her academic record for not completing the class requirements.
I never attended classes. Why am I still registered?
It is the student's responsibility to ensure that their classes are dropped. If you have registered but decided not to take any classes, please see the Student Development Center to fill out a "Discontinuance" form. If you just want to drop one class, you can do it yourself online during the add/drop period, or have your professor sign an add/drop form which should be submitted to the registrar's office. It is the student's responsibility to check their schedule and make sure it is correct.
If you have registered but decide not to attend for the semester/term, you must discontinue. Discontinuing from the University consists of withdrawing from ALL classes in a semester or term. It is recommended that students counsel with instructors, academic advisors, financial aid counselors, international student counselors (for international students), or members of Counseling Services before making the decision to discontinue. Students discontinuing their entire registration at the University are able to apply for discontinuance through the Request Discontinuance page in Student Self Service in the mybyuh application.
Students who leave school with no notification to the University will be automatically discontinued after one semester without registration. Any student discontinued will be required to reapply for admission.
All students leaving for an extended period, no matter the reason, should discontinue enrollment and then reapply for admission. Former students in good academic, ecclesiastical, and financial standing with the University should be readmitted without issue.